Our pricing options*

Find the right device and software for the right price.

Hardware pricing

Countertop A80 device


Countertop A80

Countertop Payment Solution devices


Countertop Payment Solution

Countertop A80 + PIN pad SP30

PIN Pad SP30 device


PIN Pad SP30

PIN Pad accessory for the Countertop A80 only

Portable A60 device


Portable A602

Portable A920 device


Portable A9203

Payment and software solutions pricing

Man showing kid a bike in a bike shop

No monthly fee

Basic Payment Solution

Man looking at food inventory in a commercial kitchen

$69.00/month for your first device plus applicable tax
$19.00/month per additional device plus applicable tax

Essentials Solution5

Woman looking at fabric

$30.00/month for your first device plus applicable tax
$12.00/month per additional device plus applicable tax

Essentials Light Solution5

Cook seasoning a dish

$149.00/month for your first device plus applicable tax
$35.00/month per additional device plus applicable tax

Restaurant Solution5

Customer with credit card and Salesperson holding out reader

$99.00/month for your first device plus applicable tax
$29.00/month per additional device plus applicable tax

Retail Solution5

Man behind checkout counter at bike shop

Transactions processed using your Card Not Present transaction rate

Virtual Terminal Solution6

Woman picking up dog from groomer

$19.99/month per device
Cellular Service

Optional value added services:

Customer Tokens and Billing Tokens

Customer Tokens and Billing Tokens8:

$0.05 per token created; no fee for use

Recurring Billing

Recurring Billing9:

$0.05 per transaction

Account Updater

Account Updater10:

$0.25 per match

Online Ordering

Online Ordering11:


Accessories pricing